LeAnne Martin
Christians in the Arts

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ruminate Magazine

Do you Ruminate? Check this out (from the website):

"RUMINATE is a quarterly magazine of short stories, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art that resonate with the complexity and truth of the Christian faith. Each issue is a themed forum for literature and art that speaks to the existence of our daily lives while nudging us toward a greater hope. Because of this, we strive to publish quality work accounting for the grappling pleas, as well as the quiet assurances of an authentic faith. RUMINATE Magazine was created for every person who has paused over a good word, a real story, a perfect brushstroke— longing for the significance they point us toward. Please join us."

On the site you can get a taste of the current issue and glimpses of past issues. Kudos to Ruminate!

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